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Control Freaks

The Linux Beach line of smart LED controllers based on ESP microcontrollers and WLED firmware,


Control Freak Firmware Update


The latest Control Freak Firmware Update for ESP8266 based conrollers

Price: $0.00

Control Freak All-in-One


This includes the Control Freak electronics together with the LBCF-L push button. power switch and 10Ah power pack in a single small package. It's perfect for wearables and many other WS2812B type SmartLED setups.  

Price: $99.00

Control Freak Bike Kit


This Control Freak Bike Light kit consists of one LBCF-F controller for LED strips on the front wheel, one LBCF-F controller for LED strips onthe rear wheel, and one LBCF-L for LED strips on the frame. These controllers are already configured to form a WiFi local area network so they will sync together and can be operated by a single web or smart phone app.

Price: $120.00
Linux Beach Control Freak (Follower) LBCF-F
Linux Beach Control Freak (Leader) LBCF-L

Linux Beach Control Freak (Leader) LBCF-L


An advanced controller for RGBIC LED stripes on bikes, ebikes, and other mobile applications.


Control Freak Features​​​​​

  • Can drive up to 1500 individually-addressable pixels
  • Designed specifically for bicycles and such
  • USB Type A male power in / JSM SM 3-pin male LED connector out
  • Implements WLED firmware in an advanced microcontoller
  • 180MHz. 32-bit CPU, 4MB Flash Ram,
  • 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n enabled, WPA/WPA2 security
  • Over 100 special effects with integrated WS2812FX library
Price: $50.00

Linux Beach Control Freak (Follower) LBCF-F


An advanced controller for RGBIC LED stripes on bikes, ebikes, and other mobile applications.


Control Freak Features

  • Can drive up to 1500 individually-addressable pixels
  • Designed specifically for bicycles and such
  • USB Type A male power in / JSM SM 3-pin male LED connector out
  • Implements WLED firmware in an advanced microcontoller
  • 180MHz. 32-bit CPU, 4MB Flash Ram,
  • 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n enabled, WPA/WPA2 security
  • Over 100 special effects with integrated WS2812FX library
Price: $40.00

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