WLED, the best firmware for controlling individually-addressable RGBIC LEDs, is now available in a controller designed for use on bicycles.
Because they rotate, wheel lights must operated as electrically isolated systems from lights on the frame and each other. So, the typical LED setup for a bicycle requires 3 separate systems or nodes of RGBIC LED strip, controller, and battery. One for each wheel, and one for the frame. Our standard offering is a group of three controllers, two follower controllers for the wheels, and a leader controller for the frame. A unique feature of our system is that all three controllers are synchronized via WiFi and controllable over WiFi from your smart phone, or any other device with WiFi and a web browser. There is also a button on the frame controller that allows limited control without using the web app.
The basic Control Freak System consists of two types, one has a push button to provide some local control, and is often used as a Leader in your synchronized multi-controller; the other has no button and is used were the button is not needed, and as a Follower in a synchronized multi-controller system..
This utilizes our own ESP32 custom PCB with a dual-core 240MHz CPU, 4MB, WiFi, USB, digital microphone, and buffer outputs for 4 lines of LEDs"
1. Control Freak II with DC barrel connector for power in.
2. Control Freak II PCB module only. You provide an enclosure and connectors.
Utilizes a ESP8266EX Microcontroller, with single-core 180MHz CPU, 4MB, WiFi, USB
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