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Control Freak II


Our new Control Freak II is a WLED compatible  ESP32 controller based on our own custom PCB design. In addition to all the features of the ESP32 module: Dual Core 240Mhz CPU, 4MB RAM, it has an ICS-43432 digital microphone, making it audio response, and four voltage-shifted, buffered outputs, making it capable of driving up to four separate WS2812 or WS2811 compatible LEDs.

Linux Beach Control Freak II — the next generation smart LED controller


  • Implements WLED firmware in an advanced microcontoller. Can drive up to 1500 individually-addressable pixels

  • DC Power Barrel Plug Connector male power in / JSM SM 3-pin male LED connector out

  • Up to 250 user presets to save and load colors/effects easily

  • Over 100 special effects with integrated WS2812FX library, FastLED noise effects and 50 palettes

  • Support for NeoPixel (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812) & RGBW LEDs

  • Configurable Auto Brightness limit for safer operation. Configurable Current Limit to prevent power-pack overloaded

  • Web browser User Interface with Color, Effect and Segment controls

  • Multiple Control Freaks can form Wi-Fi LAN for synchronization. Both Access Point and Station mode with automatic failsafe AP

  • Dual Core 240MHz. 32-bit CPU, 4MB Flash Ram, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n enabled, WPA/WPA2 security

  • Setup, configuration, and even firmware upgrade over network. Both Access Point and Station mode with automatic fail safe AP

Weight: 3 oz
Dimensions: 60 mm × 37 mm × 17 mm

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