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To aid in showing where colors vs palettes are used, all effects are rendered with the Party palette party and the colors primary primary secondary secondary tertiary tertiary colors All of the color palettes can be combined with these effects to create an almost unlimited array of displays. 

Effect ID  Name  Description  Intensity slider effect

0   Solid  Solid primary color on all LEDs

1   Blink  Blinks between primary and secondary color
Duty cycle of blinking

2   Breathe  Fades between primary and secondary color

3   Wipe  Switches between primary and secondary, switching LEDs one by one, start to end

4   Wipe Random  Same as Wipe, but uses random colors

5   Random Colors  Applies a new random color to all LEDs
Duration of fading between colors

6   Sweep  Switches between primary and secondary, switching LEDs one by one, start to end to start

7   Dynamic  Sets each LED to a random color
0-127: Set single LED 128-255: Set all LEDs

8   Colorloop  Cycle all LEDs through the rainbow colors
0-127: Pastel colors 128-255: Saturated colors

9   Rainbow  Displays rainbow colors along the whole strip
Number of rainbows

10   Scan  A single primary colored light wanders between start and end
Scan dot size

11   Scan Dual  Same as Scan but uses two lights starting at both ends
scan dot size

12   Fade  Fades smoothly between primary and secondary color

13   Theater  Pattern of one lit and two unlit LEDs running
Gap in lights

14   Theater Rainbow  Same as Theater but uses colors of the rainbow

15   Running  Sine Waves scrolling

16   Saw  Sawtooth Waves scrolling

17   Twinkle  Random LEDs light up in the primary color with secondary as background, turns all off
Amount of LEDs turning on

18   Dissolve  Fills LEDs with primary in random order, then off again
Dissolve rate

19   Dissolve Rnd  Fills LEDs with random colors in random order, then off again
Dissolve rate

20   Sparkle  Single random LEDs light up in the primary color for a short time, secondary is background

21   Sparkle Dark  All LEDs are lit in the primary color, single random LEDs turn off for a short time

22   Sparkle+  All LEDs are lit in the primary color, multiple random LEDs turn off for a short time

23   Strobe  All LEDs are lit in the secondary color, all LEDs flash in a single short burst in primary color

24   Strobe Rainbow  Same as strobe, cycles through the rainbow

25   Strobe Mega  All LEDs are lit in the secondary color, all LEDs flash in several short bursts in primary color

26   Blink Rainbow  Same as blink, cycles through the rainbow
Blink Duty cycle

27   Android  Section of varying length running
Maximum section length

28   Chase2  LEDs in primary color running on secondary
Size of chaser

29   Chase Random  Like Chase but leaves trail of random color
Size of chaser

30   Chase Rainbow  Like 28 but leaves trail of rainbow
Size of chaser

31  ; Chase Flash2  LEDs flash in secondary color while the rest is lit in primary. The flashing LEDs wander from start to end

32   Chase Flash Rnd  Like Chase Flash, but the 2 LEDs flash in random colors and leaves a random color behind

33   Rainbow Runner  Like Chase, but the 2 LEDs light up in rainbow colors and leave a primary color trail
Size of chaser

34   Colorful  Shifting Red-Amber-Green-Blue pattern
0-127: Pastel colors 128-255: Saturated colors

35   Traffic Light  Emulates a traffic light

36   Sweep Random  Like Sweep, but uses random colors

37  Running 2  Pattern of n LEDs primary and n LEDs secondary moves along the strip
Amount of LEDs lit/unlit

38   Aurora  Simulation of the Aurora Borealis
Number of waves

39   Stream  Flush bands random hues along the string
Width of each band (lower is wider)

40   Scanner  Dot moves between ends, leaving behing a fading trail
Fade rate

41   Lighthouse  Dot moves from start to end, leaving behing a fading trail
Fade rate

42   Fireworks  Random color blobs light up, then fade again
Amount of fireworks

43   Rain  Like Fireworks, but the blobs move
Amout of Rain

44   Tetrix  Falling blocks stack

45   Fire Flicker  LEDs randomly flickering
Flickering intensity

46   Gradient  Moves a saturation gradient of the primary color along the strip
Gradient width

47   Loading  Moves a sawtooth pattern along the strip

48   Police  A red and a blue dot running
Size of dots

49   Police All  Two areas, one red and one blue, sweeping

50   Two Dots  Like Police, but with custom colors
Size of dots

51   Two Areas  Like Police All, but with custom colors

52   Running Dual  Sine waves in both directions
Number of waves

53   Halloween  Running 2, but always uses orange and purple
Amount of LEDs lit/unlit

54   Tri Chase  Like Chase, but with 3 colors
Width of pattern

55   Tri Wipe  Like Wipe but turns LEDs off as "third color"

56   Tri Fade  Fades the whole strip from primary color to secondary color to off

57   Lightning  Short random white strobe similar to a lightning bolt
Amount of strobes

58  ICU  Two "eyes" running on opposite sides of the strip

59   Multi Comet  Like Scanner, but creates multiple trails
Fade rate

60   Scanner Dual  Like Scanner, but with two dots running on opposite sides
Fade rate

61  Stream 2  Flush random hues along the string

62   Oscillate  Areas of primary and secondary colors move between opposite ends, combining colors where they touch

63  Pride 2015  Rainbow cycling with brightness variation

64   Juggle  Eight colored dots running, leaving trails
Fade rate

65   Palette  Running color palette

66   Fire 2012  Simulates flickering fire in red and yellow
Sparkling of fire

67   Colorwaves  Like Pride 2015, but uses palettes

68   BPM  Pulses moving back and forth on palette
BPM setting

69   Fill Noise  Noise pattern

70   Noise 1  Fast Noise shift pattern

71   Noise 2  Fast Noise shift pattern

72   Noise 3  Noise shift pattern

73   Noise 4  Noise sparkle pattern

74   Colortwinkles  LEDs light up randomly in random colors and fade off again
Twinkle rate

75   Lake  Calm palette waving

76   Meteor  The primary color creates a trail of randomly decaying color
Fade rate

77   Meteor Smooth  Smoothly animated meteor
Fade rate

78   Railway  Shows primary and secondary color on alternating LEDs. All LEDs fade to their opposite color and back again
Duty cycle of fade transition

79   Ripple  Effect resembling random water ripples
Rate of new ripples

80   TwinklefoxFast  LED gentle twinkling with slow fade in/out

81   Twinklecat  Twinkling with fast in / slow out

82   Halloween Eyes  One Pair of blinking eyes at random intervals along strip
Fading rade of eyes

83   Solid Pattern  Speed sets number of LEDs on, intensity sets off
Amount of LEDs turned off

84   Solid Pattern Tri  Solid Pattern with three colors
Amount of LEDs of each color

85   Spots  Solid lights with even distance
Size of each spot

86   Spots Fade  Spots, getting bigger and smaller
Fading of each spot

87   Glitter  Rainbow with white sparkles
Amount of glitter

88   Candle  Flicker resembling a candle flame
Intensity of flickering

89   Fireworks Starburst  Exploding multicolor fireworks
Fragment count

90   Fireworks 1  Done dimension fireworks with flare
Firing side

91   Bouncing Balls  Bouncing ball effect
Number of balls

92   Sinelon  Fastled sinusoidal moving eye
Fade rate

93   Sinelon Dual  Sinelon from both directions
Fade rate

94   Sinelon Rainbow  Sinelon in rainbow colours
Fade rate

95   Popcorn  popping kernels
Number of kernels

96   Drip  Water dripping effect
Intensity of dripping

97   Plasma  Plasma lamp
Max brightness

98   Percent  Lights up a percentage of segment

99   Ripple Rainbow  Like ripple, but with a dimly lit changing background
Rate of new ripples

100   Heartbeat  LED strip pulsing rhythm similar to a heart beat

101   Pacifica  Gentle, blue-green ocean waves (one color palette currently)
Intensity of waves

102   Candle Multi  Like candle effect, but each LED has it's own flicker pattern
Intensity of flicker

103   Solid Glitter  Like Glitter, but with solid color background
Amount of glitter

104   Sunrise  Simulates a gradual sunrise or sunset. Speed sets:
0 - static sun, 1 - 60: sunrise time in minutes,
60 - 120: sunset time in minutes - 60, above: "breathing" rise and set
Sun intensity

105   Phased  Sine waves (in sourcecode)
Wave brightness against background

106   TwinkleUp  Twinkle effect with fade-in
Amount of Twinkles

107   Noise Pal  Peaceful noise that's slow and with gradually changing palettes
Wave intensity

108   Sine  Controllable sine waves
Sinewave frequency

109   Phased Noise  Noisy sine waves
Wave brightness against background

110   Flow  Blend of palette and spot effects
waveform frequency

111   Chunchun  Birds flying in a circle formation
Number of birds

112   Dancing Shadows  Moving spotlights
Number of spotlights

113   Washing machine  Alternating direction (in source)
Size of lit sections

114   Candy Cane  Running 2 in Red & White
Amount of LEDs lit/unlit

115   Blends  Blends random colors across palette
Blend speed

116   TV Simulator  TV light spill simulation

117   Dynamic Smooth  Link Dynamic but with smooth palette blends
0-127: Set single LED 128-255: Set all LEDs

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