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All of these color palettes can be combined with a multitude of effects to create an almost unlimited array of displays. In addition to these builtin palettes, you can create custom colors using hex or RGB codes. This allows you to proudly represent your team, school or nation with your LED light displays.

ID  Name  Description

Default  The palette is automatically selected depending on the effect. For most effects, this is the primary color

1   Random Cycle  The palette changes to a random one every few seconds. Subject to change

2   Color 1  A palette consisting only of the primary color

3   Colors 1 & 2  Consists of the primary and secondary color

4   Color Gradient  A palette which is a mixture of all segment colors

5   Colors Only  Contains primary, secondary and tertiary colors

6   Party  Rainbow without green hues

7   Cloud  Gray-blueish colors

8   Lava  Dark red, yellow and bright white

9   Ocean  Blue, teal and white colors

10   Forest  Yellow and green hues

11   Rainbow  Every hue

12   Rainbow bands  Rainbow colors with black spots in-between

13   Sunset  Dark blue with purple, red and yellow hues

14   Rivendell  Desaturated greens

15   Breeze  Teal colors with varying brightness

16   Red & Blue  Red running on blue

17   Yellowout  Yellow, fading out

18   Analoguous  Red running on blue

19   Splash  Vibrant pink and magenta

20   Pastel  Different hues with very little saturation

21   Sunset 2  Yellow and white running on dim blue

22   Beech  Different shades of light blue

23   Vintage  Warm white running on very dim red

24   Departure  Greens and white fading out

25   Landscape  Blue, white and green gradient

26   Beach  Teal and yellow gradient fading out

27   Sherbet  Bright white, pink and mint colors

28   Hult  White, magenta and teal

29   Hult 64  Teal and yellow hues

30   Drywet  Blue and yellow gradient

31   Jul  Pastel green and red

32   Grintage  Yellow fading out

33   Rewhi  Bright orange on desaturated purple

34   Tertiary  Red, green and blue gradien

35   Fire  White, yellow and fading red gradient

36   Icefire  Same as Fire, but with blue colors

37   Cyane  Desaturated pastel colors

38   Light Pink  Desaturated purple hues

39   Autumn  Three white fields surrounded by yellow and dim red

40   Magenta  White with magenta and blue

41   Magred  Magenta and red hues

42   Yelmag  Magenta and red hues with a yellow

43   Yelblu  Blue with a little yellow

44   Orange & Teal  An Orange - Gray - Teal gradient

45   Tiamat  A bright meteor with blue, teal and magenta hues

46   April Night  Dark blue background with colorful snowflakes

47   Orangery  Orange and yellow tones

48   C9  Christmas lights palette. Red - amber - green - blue

49   Sakura  Pink and rose tones

50   Aurora  Greens on dark blue

51   Atlantica  Greens & Blues of the ocean

52   C9 2  C9 plus yellow

53   C9 New  C9, but brighter and with a less purple blue

54   Temperature  Temperature mapping

55   Aurora 2  Aurora with some pinks & blue

56   Retro Clown  Yellow to purple gradient

57   Candy  Vivid yellows, magenta, salmon and blues

58   Toxy Reaf  Vivid aqua to purple gradient

59   Fairy Reaf  Bright aqua to purple gradient

60   Semi Blue  Dark blues with a bright blue burst

61   Pink Candy  White, pinks and purple

62   Red Reaf  Blue, aqua and red gradient

63   Aqua Flash  Aqua gradient with a flash of yellow and white

64   Yelblu Hot  Yellow, red, blue spectrum

65   Lite Light  Faint white and purple

66   Red Flash  Red gradient with burst of white in the center

67   Blink Red  Dark blue to dark red gradient with burst of purple

68   Red Shift  Vibrant yellow to blue gradient with magenta, purple and red

69   Red Tide  Waves of yellow, orange and red

70   Candy2  Faded gradient of yellow, salmon and blue

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